SDSL has been working successfully with:
TATA Motors, TVS, Honda, Maruti & other Auto Mobile Units
Avery Dennison, India (Retro Reflective Unit)
Micro Autotech, India
Gogia Plastics, India
Driving School Association of India
Rajasthan Police Department, Rajasthan
Rajasthan Transport Department, Rajasthan
DIC, RIICO & BMA, Bhiwadi, Rajasthan for Women Empowerment & Skill Development, etc.
District Administration and Education Department for Educational Improvement.
NGOs: TRAX-Delhi, FPRA-Orissa, etc
Other organizations working for the same cause.
​SDSL has been pre-eminent in spreading the message about road safety through a wide variety of grass root activities aimed at raising awareness amongst all levels of society as to the risks and consequences associated with the lack of road safety awareness. SDSL strongly feels that partnering with media provides impetus to the initiative and has close association with local and national media both electronic and print. SDSL believes that community involvement can give strong support to the cause of road safety and motivate political will, thus enable road safety actions to be prioritized and implemented.
To ensure that India remains one of the world's safest country for road users and to generate and sustain road safety awareness within the community, both now and into the future, SDSL recognized the need for a vision statement, together with a distinctive symbol which would raise public interest and support for road safety improvement.
To act as a focal point to identify, innovate, initiate and implement road safety priority programs that will help reduce the number and severity of traffic accidents in India.
​“Our behavior on road reflects our character," so we at SDSL work as a pressure group or as whistle blowers to give a wake-up call to the authorities concerned and shake for the bad driving habits of our people. There is "No U-turn" after a crash so it’s better to avoid it, any way possible. Just imagine in these 5 minutes that you are busy reading this profile, several more must have died somewhere on the roads, not to mention how many getting injured.
“We want to see Indians as following the traffic rules.”
Road traffic injuries are a major but still neglected public health challenge that requires intensive efforts for effective and sustainable prevention. Road traffic systems are one of the most complex and dangerous systems with which people have to deal every day.
The broad objectives of SDSL are:
To reach out to Government, Media, Corporate and Community to solicit their support to prevent colossal waste of human life on Indian roads as India holds the dubious distinction of highest road crash fatalities in the World.
To work as a pressure group to create political will and help improve road safety situation.
Sensitize masses by raising awareness about road traffic injuries, their grave consequences and thus build community involvement around the issue of Road Safety.
Develop cost effective road safety programs to increase knowledge, awareness and skills amongst the Indian road users.
To change the attitudes and behavior of drivers by creating peoples movement for safe behavior.
Promote a positive attitude towards enforcement laws and infuse sense of courtesy and concern among road users.
Regularly monitor relevant local and international road statistics and developments in order to effect improvements.
SDSL is actively working towards its mission through interventions and activities, both individually and with Government/Semi Government bodies support. SDSL has been developing cost effective dynamic tools and ways to enhance efficiency and deliverability of Road Safety within the existing legal framework.
Donations, Corporate Social Responsibility, funding agencies, membership fees and Grants in Aid from Govt
Workshops, schools/collage Education Programme, Essay and Painting Competition, Props shows and drama, awareness raising activities and campaigns, health and eye camp, panel discussion, drink driving campaign, seatbelt action, bike safety day, action bike light, safe on two wheels, poster competition, safe and fit at 50 plus, rural road safety, etc are the project and achievements done by SDSL on road safety.
Some more Examples that we can include with dates and descriptions:
1. Helmet Awareness and Distribution Campaign
2. Exhibition on Road Safety
3. Don't Drink and Drive Campaign
4. Road Safety Weeks
5. Lectures & Trainings in Schools/Colleges
6. Establishing Accident Free Area (Safe Zone) at Sriganganagar District
7. Rally
8. Pollution Checkup Campaign
9. Special Prayers & Announcement Campaign
10. Reflectors & Pamphlets Distribution Campaign
11. Traffic Law Day
12. Candle March for the Awareness of Road Safety
13. World Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims
14. Raksha Mitra Award (Introducing)
15. Oath Campaign: Sensitizing people with emotional way, more than 3,00,000 people interacted thru this campaign.
16. Employee Education Programme (Road Safety Awareness).
17. Red Flag Campaign: To generate awareness about Zebra Crossing.
18. Open Questionnaire Competition Thru News Papers.
19. Cultural Programme & Event Hosting on Road Safety & Traffic Rules Awareness.
20. Action Clean Environment Program.
21. Save Earth Campaign.
22. International activities and events celebration.
23. National activities and events celebration.
24. Monitoring & Evolution agency in EKTA Project (Alwar).​
Global Alliance for Road Safety
Indian Alliance for Road Safety