Pillar 3 : Safer Vehicles
Encourage universal deployment of improved vehicle safety technologies for both passive and active safety through a combination of harmonization of relevant global standards, consumer information schemes and incentives to accelerate the uptake of new technologies.
Karma 1: Encourage Member States to apply and promulgate motor vehicle safety regulations as developed by the United Nation’s World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
Karma 2 : Encourage implementation of new car assessment programs in all regions of the world in order to increase the availability of consumer information about the safety performance of motor vehicles.
Karma 3 : Encourage agreement to ensure that all new motor vehicles are equipped with seat-belts and anchorages that meet regulatory requirements and pass applicable crash test standards (as minimum safety features).
Karma 4 : Encourage universal deployment of crash avoidance technologies with proven effectiveness such as Electronic Stability Control and Anti-Lock Braking Systems in motor vehicles.
Karma 5 : Encourage the use of fiscal and other incentives for motor vehicles that provide high levels of road user protection and discourage import and export of new or used cars that have reduced safety standards.
Karma 6 : Encourage application of pedestrian protection regulations and increased research into safety technologies designed to reduce risks to vulnerable road users.
Karma 7 : Encourage managers of governments and private sector fleets to purchase, operate and maintain vehicles that offer advanced safety technologies and high levels of occupant protection.
Reflector campaign
When: - since 2011
Where: - Rajasthan state level
Why: - Retro reflective tape/ film is a very good safety product which reflect in the dark when the other vehicle head light appears on it. It gives reflection from 700ms which gives the sufficient time to analize the drivers to find the other vehicles or objects.
How: - we free distribute the retro reflective tape to the tractor trollies, carts, bye-cycles, etc. this campaign runs 5-6 times in a year and we are running it since 2011
Result: - till date we have free distributed it to more than 70,000 tractor-trolleys, carts, bicycles etc. at the various cities of india
Target Audience: - carts, tractor-trolleys, carts, bicycles etc